Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hot Weather

I am  not a fan.

I don’t deal well with the heat of a blistering summer, and there are few things more unpleasant than getting into a car that has been sitting in the hot sun for the past four hours. Yuck.

One nice thing about summer that I love is getting fountain drinks. Things around here aren’t too impressive, but in the midwest there is a store called QuickTrip. If you have been to a QuickTrip, you know what I’m talking about and where I’m going with this.

See, QuickTrip takes fountain drinks to the EXTREME. I remember one in particular that I visited that had a bank of oh, probably 24 flavors of fountain drinks. In addition, they had a quartet of Freezoni (Slurpee) flavors, another four flavors of non-carbonated Slurpee style drinks, and also these things called frozen Steamers. Steamers are a sort of milk based hot cocoa style drink that come in flavors like vanilla and S’mores (tastes like graham crackers).

With all this variety, it’d be hard to choose, right? Well, yeah, but they made it even harder by adding lines to their cups so that you can measure ratios of one drink to another when creating cocktails. I’m not sure if they still do this, but the last time I went they had little booklets full of recipes you can mix. One that I remember was to do 75% Dr. Pepper and 25% frozen Steamer, for a Dr. Pepper float. Sounds grand, eh?

They also have thsir own custom house flavors of drinks, like Quizzle, a cherry-limeade, and some energy drinks like Ram Jam, Dr. Dogg, and Rooster Booster.  Some of these were pretty good, and, amazingly, were offered in fountains instead of just in tiny, specially portioned cans.

My absolute favorite thing to get at a QuicTrip is a Quizzle fountain drink with a topper of Rooster Booster Freezoni. The taste is just divine.

Or, at least, that’s how I remember it from the last time I went there, almost five years ago.

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